Friday 26 March 2021

Goal setting

 Today we were learning about our goal setting. I enjoyed setting my RE goal and now I am going to share it with my Family. I found it hard to find my learning hero.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

You're amazing KO WAI AHAU? | ABOUT ME

 My name is Santino and I have 2 Sisters,and my Mum, and my Dad was born in Dunedin in New Zealand, but I am still Filipino. I go to St Mary's Catholic Primary School.

At my school I'm really good at math, writing and reading. Job playing Minecraft education Edition Prodigy epic and all reading sites that play with my friends in the sandpit. Go away this year to make my new friends and to them and be kind and help the environment with respect to myself and others. 

I'm looking forward to Year 6 Camp next year. I was so looking forward to making new friends and also playing with old friends. Achieve writing and reading maths. My friends always inspired me in being kind to each other.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

My Creative, furry Chromepet

 Today I was learning how to make an interesting chromepet with Google Slides.

The thing that was hard was when I was replacing the image, with some weird and wacky shapes.

The thing that was easy was when I was adding inserting and putting all the body parts together.

And my chromepet is called, Guppy

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Exploring the EA sounds

 Today we were exploring the ea sounds and we were trying to figure out some EA words